Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I adore

this kitchen, via Urban Grace Interiors

this outfit, via For the Love

this dip-legged table, via Design Sponge

Colorful, casual and crafty.
That's how I roll.  (Okay, in my dreams maybe).

What do you adore today?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

This year's season of Lent held new meaning for me.  

Our church observed Lent through personal choices regarding self denial and a focused time in God's word.  Chris delivered a series on what Christ accomplished at the cross: He took our place, won our victory, gave us freedom, paid our debt, forgave our sin and made us clean.  

It is a humbling process to consider Christ's sacrifice for our gain.  

{artwork by a2 members: Kevin Johnson and Calvin Ross}

In full disclosure, I have not held true to my promises regarding Lent.  I have faltered.  But I have also been drawn to Christ in such a way as never before. 

I was honored to participate in a2 church's devotional blog and would like to share my post with you in observance of today.  You may read it here.  I encourage you to check out the other postings as well.   

I am so looking forward to celebrating Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  If you live in Birmingham and don't have a church home, we'd love for you join us

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Kitchen Walls

Kitchen walls in an apartment are scarce.  Ours boasts only a large framed chalkboard holding pictures, invitations and goals for the year.  There's not much room for anything else.

One day, I'd love to decorate the kitchen walls in a creative way, like below. Enjoy!

With colorful, quirky art via catalogued life

With an herb garden, via tatertots and jello

And my favorite - with thrifted and painted bundt pans via hownowdesign

In what ways have you adorned your kitchen walls?  I'd love to hear!  

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Jars for the Pantry

It's been a long time, friends.

I'd like to share a simple project Eric and I did this weekend.

For some reason, an organized and pretty kitchen invites me to whip up the latest entrée or dessert while a messy and boring kitchen banishes us to eating out.

So, we transferred many of our dry goods from bags and boxes to mason jars with scalloped labels.  Check out the before and after below.

Makes me smile.  

I've seen pictures of an entire pantry in jars and it's mesmerizing.  I've got extras - can you think of other staples that would benefit from living in a jar?

Also, you may be asking, "Why did this project require two people?"  Well, let me tell you.  Eric washed out the jars while I was making dinner.  Washing has to be the least enjoyable part of any project.  Then, I filled the jars, penned the label with a brown sharpie and stuck it on.  When a few of the corners had trouble adjusting to their curved environment, Eric wrapped them with my stretchy headbands until they learned to stay in place.  We joked that it looked like torture.  No, two people aren't necessary - but it's a lot more fun! 

Mmm, chocolate.  Have a sweet day. 
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