Friday, January 7, 2011

A New Year

This past fall I traveled to Chattanooga for work.  Finding myself alone in my most favorite of places, I browsed Frasier Ave like a regular tourist and brought home a few inexpensive treats. 

One such treat was an tiny, old-school journalist flip-top notepad.  I have always wanted to be the woman who jots down ideas and thoughts as she goes throughout her day so she can actually remember them later. 

Finally, it has a job.  Storing my 2011 goals. 

I've never written resolutions before.  I am not much one for setting goals.  But I have this notepad now and it is begging to be used. 

It works like a charm.

Goal number 1: Keep a clean, organized home.

Simple enough, right?  As soon as our feet hit the cush apartment floor Sunday afternoon, we made a beeline for the bedroom closet and organized to our hearts content.  We have since organized the kitchen cabinets (even under the sink!) the bathroom and laundry room.  Old, unused items are sitting in garbage bags awaiting their ride to the thrift store.  Everthing in it's place.

My mom helped us in this endeavor with the cute-as-pie owl letter holder she gave me for Christmas.  Mail seems to make its way into every nook and cranny in our apartment and I'm sure it feels special now that it has a home.

In closing (seems like the right thing to say at the end of such a long post), this blog needs more lovin' and I intend to show it how much I care, starting today.

Happy 2011!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that picture is cute! It's funny how the new year does that to people - I've made several trips to home goods stores to pick up baskets and things to help us get organized. We're ruled by clutter and I'm sick of it! I've gone through the closet/dresser drawers/bookshelves, etc. and have organized and gotten rid of things that hold no value to me anymore. Today I'm going to take a load to the thrift store and try to also sell some clothes to Buffalo Exchange. If I do sell some, I'm treating myself to something fabulous! Have a great weekend!


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