Food, Inc is a must-see documentary. Eric and I "rented" it last week at our local library and watched it with my sister and her husband. Wow.
I'll admit: I am picky. I don't eat all my veggies and I don't like too many fruits. I don't always buy organic or local. But I want to. And like most documentaries, I don't agree with everything in the movie.
However, I appreciate the valuable information on how our food industry has changed over the past 50 years. I'm shocked by the power money and government have to altar the natural production of food with little regard to the lives affected. Sickness and death in animals due to rapid growth. Indebted farmers forced to continue in a business they are ashamed of. Obesity. Poor families struggling to eat healthy due to cost. Unnecessary disease and death of children and adults.
It's easy to feel inadequate, accept the current situation and go about your day. Instead, consider this concept, my favorite quote from the movie:
Have you seen Food, Inc? What are your thoughts?
If you haven't seen it, check out the trailer here.